Deploy your Astro Site to GitHub Pages

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Deploy your Astro Site to GitHub Pages

2024-03-10 11:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

You can use GitHub Pages to host an Astro website directly from a repository on

How to deploySection titled How to deploy

You can deploy an Astro site to GitHub Pages by using GitHub Actions to automatically build and deploy your site. To do this, your source code must be hosted on GitHub.

Astro maintains the official withastro/action to deploy your project with very little configuration. Follow the instructions below to deploy your Astro site to GitHub pages, and see the package README if you need more information.

Configure Astro for GitHub PagesSection titled Configure Astro for GitHub Pages Deploying to a URLSection titled Deploying to a URL

Set the site and base options in astro.config.mjs.

astro.config.mjsimport { defineConfig } from 'astro/config' export default defineConfig({ site: '', base: '/my-repo',}) siteSection titled site

The value for site must be one of the following:

The following URL based on your username: The random URL autogenerated for a GitHub Organization’s private page: baseSection titled base

A value for base may be required so that Astro will treat your repository name (e.g. /my-repo) as the root of your website.

Don’t set a base parameter if:

Your page is served from the root folder. Your repository is located at

The value for base should be your repository’s name starting with a forward slash, for example /my-blog. This is so that Astro understands your website’s root is /my-repo, rather than the default /.

When this value is configured, all of your internal page links must be prefixed with your base value:


See more about configuring a base value

Using GitHub pages with a custom domainSection titled Using GitHub pages with a custom domain

You can set up a custom domain by adding the following ./public/CNAME file to your project:


This will deploy your site at your custom domain instead of Don’t forget to also configure DNS for your domain provider.

To configure Astro for using GitHub pages with a custom domain, set your domain as the value for site. Do not set a value for base:

astro.config.mjsimport { defineConfig } from 'astro/config' export default defineConfig({ site: '',}) Configure a GitHub ActionSection titled Configure a GitHub Action

Create a new file in your project at .github/workflows/deploy.yml and paste in the YAML below.

deploy.ymlname: Deploy to GitHub Pages on: # Trigger the workflow every time you push to the `main` branch # Using a different branch name? Replace `main` with your branch’s name push: branches: [ main ] # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab on GitHub. workflow_dispatch: # Allow this job to clone the repo and create a page deploymentpermissions: contents: read pages: write id-token: write jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout your repository using git uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Install, build, and upload your site uses: withastro/action@v2 # with: # path: . # The root location of your Astro project inside the repository. (optional) # node-version: 20 # The specific version of Node that should be used to build your site. Defaults to 20. (optional) # package-manager: pnpm@latest # The Node package manager that should be used to install dependencies and build your site. Automatically detected based on your lockfile. (optional) deploy: needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest environment: name: github-pages url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} steps: - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages id: deployment uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4

The astro action takes a few optional inputs. These can be provided by uncommenting the with: line and the input you want to use.

The official Astro action scans for a lockfile to detect your preferred package manager (npm, yarn, pnpm, or bun). You should commit your package manager’s automatically generated package-lock.json, yarn.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml, or bun.lockb file to your repository.

On GitHub, go to your repository’s Settings tab and find the Pages section of the settings.

Choose GitHub Actions as the Source of your site.

Commit the new workflow file and push it to GitHub.

Your site should now be published! When you push changes to your Astro project’s repository, the GitHub Action will automatically deploy them for you.

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